Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Digital Death of Celebrity

Various celebrities posed for their 'digital deaths' to raise awareness for AIDs. Kim Kardashian, Alijah Wood, Daphne Guinness and Alicia Keys are all amongst a star studded array of a-listers that will be forfeiting their facebooks, twitters and all methods of digital media until the AIDS charity Keep A Child Alive reaches their target of $1 million of donations.

Go to BUY LIFE to make a donation and help in the quest to save lives affected by HIV/AIDS and bring our beloved celebrities back to digital life!


Melanie said...

sometimes i wish that this wasn't just a digital death for KK !

Melanie said...

check out my latest posting about Stylish Blogger Award darling for a treat for you!!

BellatorRex said...

I have also left you a little treat. Melanie, please don't talk that way about my future wife. Thank you.

ABIGAIL NY said...

Heard about this, I thought that they said they wouldn't tweet.

Anonymous said...

It is a really beautiful photograph.
Hereafter, it will look forward to the update.

Cynthia Mery said...

thats so crazy. I would be creeped out if i had to pose in a casket but it's all for a good cause :D, so yay for them